can you eat cabbage while pregnant?

Can You Eat Cabbage While Pregnant?

Cabbage is a nutrient-dense, low-calorie vegetable rich in vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients. However, can you eat cabbage while pregnant? Oh yes! Eating cabbage while pregnant has many advantages for the mother and the developing fetus. 

Pregnant mothers must eat healthy and balanced diets during pregnancy. They should include a variety of vegetables in their daily diet, and one such vegetable is cabbage.

A pregnant woman and her developing baby can immensely benefit from eating cabbage.

Here we go: why you should eat cabbage while pregnant.

Also read: Can you eat brussel sprouts when pregnant?

Is cabbage good for pregnant women?

Yes, cabbage is suitable for pregnant women. Cabbage is a fantastic source of essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy pregnancy, such as calcium, iron, and folic acid.

Vitamin D and calcium jointly help the body prevent osteoporosis, which causes the bones to weaken. Bone fracture risk might rise as a result of osteoporosis.

During pregnancy, calcium becomes even more essential for supporting muscles, bones, nerves, and circulation.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, the daily requirement for calcium during pregnancy is about 1000 milligrams.

Therefore, eating a large head of cabbage could meet your daily calcium needs, as this provides about half of your daily calcium requirement.

Potassium is vital to maintaining the balance of your body cells’ fluids and electrolytes during pregnancy.

As per the U.S. Department of Agriculture, cabbage is a good source of potassium.

As per the National Institute of Health, 1 head of raw cabbage contains about 47% of your adequate potassium intake during pregnancy.

Folate (vitamin B-9) and folic acid are vital for the normal development of a healthy fetus and the prevention of neural tube defects, which are significant congenital disabilities of the baby’s brain and spine during pregnancy.

Cabbage contains a significant amount of folate. A 100-gram serving of raw cabbage provides 43 micrograms of folate, as per the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which is about 10% of your daily value of folate.  

An increased intake of folate to about 600 micrograms per day is recommended for pregnant women to prevent folate deficiency due to increased demand during pregnancy and lactation.

Therefore, a higher intake of dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage, lettuce, spinach, turnips, and collard greens could help achieve the recommended daily value of folate.

Is cabbage good for early pregnancy?

A healthy, balanced diet will promote your baby’s growth and development during pregnancy. A few nutrients deserve special attention right from the early stages of your pregnancy, which is why cabbage is good for early pregnancy.

Cabbage is good for early pregnancy because of the high amount of folate it contains.

Folate and folic acid might help prevent problems associated with the fetus’s developing brain and spinal cord.

Health benefits of eating cabbage while pregnant

5 Amazing health benefits of eating cabbage while pregnant.

The nutrient-dense cabbage provides many health benefits due to its nutritional content. A few of the benefits of cabbage for pregnant women are:

1. Cabbage may help with better digestion.

Constipation is a common concern for pregnant women. Cabbage helps control bowel movements owing to its high fiber content.

When a pregnant woman eats cabbage, its fiber content could make her stool soft and heavy, thus leading to its easy passage.

2. Cabbage may help improve bone health.

Cabbage is a decent source of vitamin K and calcium, which help strengthen the bones of the pregnant mother and the fetus. 

3. Cabbage may lessen the effects of gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is a common phenomenon during pregnancy.

Consuming a vegetable like cabbage can help maintain pregnant women’s blood sugar levels due to its high fiber content, thus limiting the risk of developing gestational diabetes.

4. Cabbage may help boost pregnant women’s immune systems.

Cabbage is a good source of antioxidants and a good supply of vitamin C, which has helped support the immune system.

5. Cabbage may help support a healthy weight.

Cabbage is known for its low energy density and is a good source of vital nutrients, which could help maintain a healthy weight.

Eating cabbage while pregnant can make you feel full for longer and reduce your urge to consume more calories frequently, which might help you and the developing baby maintain a healthy weight.

Is it safe to eat cooked cabbage during pregnancy?

Yes, cooked cabbage can be eaten safely during pregnancy. Cooking cabbage helps minimize the risks of food contamination since raw cabbage leaves may harbor some harmful bacteria.

A lot of yummy foods can be prepared with cabbage. Cooked cabbage is nutritious and safer to eat during pregnancy than raw cabbage because cooking helps minimize the risk of contracting food-borne diseases.

Cabbage contains a significant amount of dietary fiber, which could aid digestion in pregnant women.

Therefore, eat cooked cabbage during pregnancy to reap more health benefits.

Is raw cabbage safe during pregnancy?

Raw cabbage could be a safety concern during pregnancy.

Like all uncooked vegetables, raw cabbage may contain disease-causing germs such as Listeria monocytogenes, which could cause severe blood infections and abortion in pregnant women.

Wash your raw cabbage thoroughly before eating it to lower the risk of developing food-borne diseases.

However, eating cabbage raw may be the best way to get all of this vegetable’s health benefits since cooking may damage its vitamin C.

Eating raw cabbage can absorb and utilize the nutrients of cabbage to the greatest extent.

Generally, these tips will help you remain safe after eating your vegetables during pregnancy.

Raw red cabbage during pregnancy

Raw red cabbage, commonly called “purple cabbage,” is suitable for eating during pregnancy.

Red cabbage is significantly high in nutrients like vitamin A. According to the USDA, red cabbage has about 10 times more vitamin A than green cabbage.

Vitamin A is vital for developing fetal organs and eyes during pregnancy. During the third trimester, there is an increase in demand for vitamin A due to the accelerated development of the fetus during this stage.

Therefore, eating foods with a good amount of vitamin A, such as red cabbage, combined with other vitamin A-rich foods, could help pregnant mothers achieve the level of vitamin A needed to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

In addition, red cabbage is also rich in chemical substances called anthocyanins, which are responsible for the red or purple color found in this vegetable.

Some women may have high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Some studies have suggested eating foods rich in anthocyanins could help lower high blood pressure. Therefore, red cabbage is a good source of anthocyanins, which could help prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Can you eat fermented cabbage when pregnant? (Is it safe?)

Fermented cabbage is a kind that undergoes a simple process when lactic acid bacteria act upon it. The most common types are sauerkraut and kimchi. And, of course, you can eat fermented cabbage when pregnant, but only the pasteurized type of fermented cabbage for safety reasons.

Fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) is safe for consumption during pregnancy when pasteurized.

Pasteurization is the act of heating foods and drinks to destroy harmful microorganisms.

However, pasteurized fermented cabbage (sauerkraut) is lower in probiotic contents and benefits than raw sauerkraut because the heat during pasteurization has destroyed most of these probiotics.

The United States FDA advises pregnant women to avoid unpasteurized fermented foods like (unpasteurized sauerkraut) while pregnant.

Fermented foods should, however, be consumed with caution. The risk of mistakenly developing harmful bacteria with healthy bacteria is significantly higher when eating any homemade fermented foods during pregnancy.

What are the dangers of consuming cabbage during pregnancy?

Cabbage is susceptible to bacterial contamination and other food-borne diseases since it is frequently sprayed with pesticides and fungicides.

The best cabbage to eat is organic; wash it well.

Furthermore, suppose you are prone to stomach issues. In that case, avoiding overeating cabbage is vital because doing so might lead to flatulence, severe gas, and discomfort.

According to a study, cabbage is a goitrogenic food, so consuming it might worsen thyroid problems.

Therefore, washing, boiling, and cooking can help reduce the goitrogenic potency of cabbage.

Consume your cabbage in moderation and as part of a healthy diet because an excessive amount might promote constipation.

Can you eat Chinese cabbage when pregnant?

Yes, you can eat Chinese cabbage while pregnant. Chinese cabbage comes in a variety of forms. Napa cabbage is the most popular type. Its leaves are tall, densely packed, and curled.

Chinese food makes use of it. Due to the possibility of microbial and pesticide contamination, carefully wash everything under running water.

It can be cut into slices and stir-fried with any sauce of your choice.

It will also offer a nice flavor when used in soups and stews. Like regular cabbage, Chinese cabbage is nutritious.

Is cabbage juice safe during pregnancy?

Cabbage juice is a nutritious drink but might not be safe during pregnancy.

Cabbage juice is made from raw cabbage, and consuming raw cabbage is not advisable when pregnant because raw cabbage is prone to germs and microorganisms.

Consuming cabbage juice contaminated with germs can lead to food poisoning, which might be fatal to the pregnancy.

Also read: What is cabbage juice good for?

Safe ways to consume cabbage during pregnancy (precautions)

You can eat cabbage that has been steamed, boiled, sautéed, or roasted.

Choose organic varieties over raw or stuffed cabbage varieties to lower the risk of food-borne illnesses.

Additionally, cooking cabbage for a long time is not recommended because it changes the vegetable’s nutritional content.

To get rid of the toxins and microbes, thoroughly wash and boil them.

Avoid buying cabbage that has been shredded or sliced in half since cutting it lowers the vitamin C content.

Consume your cabbage in moderation and as part of a healthy diet because an excessive amount might promote constipation.


Cabbage is a healthy and nutritious cruciferous vegetable that can be eaten during pregnancy.

It contains good fiber, vitamins, and minerals vital for the fetus’s healthy growth and development.

While cabbage offers many health benefits when consumed during pregnancy, pregnant women should wash raw cabbage thoroughly before eating it as it may be contaminated with harmful bacteria that can cause food-borne illness.

While cabbage is a safe and healthy vegetable to include in your diet during pregnancy, it should be eaten with other vegetables to have a complete, balanced diet for a healthy pregnant mother and baby.

Overall, cabbage is safe to eat during pregnancy when you passionately follow the precautions and abide by advice from health professionals.