is it okay to eat cabbage everyday?

Is It Okay To Eat Cabbage Everyday? 

Is it okay to eat cabbage everyday? Yes! You can eat cabbage everyday, either in its raw or cooked forms.

I have been a cabbage lover for 15 years and eat it daily. I would eat a whole head of raw cabbage several times weekly as an afternoon snack or lunch.

Eating cabbage every day can have both benefits and drawbacks.

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower.

Also read: How good is cabbage for you?

What happens when you eat cabbage every day?

Cabbage is highly nutritious, with many vitamins A and K, it can can be a fantastic choice for maintaining a healthy weight because it’s a low-calorie food.

Cabbage contains a good amount of antioxidants, which can help to decrease the risk of various diseases by reducing inflammation. It may improve digestion, support a healthy heart, and keep you away from scurvy.

Yet, when you eat cabbage every day, it could result in digestive discomfort.

Eating cabbage every day has been a lot of fun for me, which I am ready to share with you.

Here we go:

Eating large quantities of cabbage may lead to gas production. Some people produce a lot of gas after eating a lot of cabbage.

Eating a lot of cabbage could lead to a specific odor. This odor could be from breath or sweat.

Therefore, I am careful not to eat raw cabbage right before an important meeting in case I have cabbage breath.

Purple teeth: If you consume raw purple cabbage, your tongue, and teeth can turn an amusing color for a few hours. So if you eat purple cabbage repeatedly, it simply means that your teeth and tongue will remain purple.

High concentration of thallium: Green Cabbage is one of the vegetables that accumulate a high amount of thallium in their tissue when grown in soil with high concentrations of thallium, as per the Journal of Plant Nutrition.

Eating large amounts of cabbage contaminated with thallium within a short time can be hazardous to your health.

Therefore, I had my thallium tested and found out that I was above average. Though the thallium was not at a toxic level, it was enough to raise concern.

However, I am still a fan of cabbage, but a little more moderately.

Is eating a lot of cabbage good for you?

Eating cabbage in a moderate amount is considered good for you because it is a low-calorie food rich in fiber, making it a good option for those on a weight loss plan.

Cabbage is also a great source of antioxidants and has been associated to several health advantages, such as better digestion and a lower chance of developing some cancer.

However, eating a lot of cabbage might cause stomach problems like diarrhea, bloating, and gas.

How much cabbage should you eat everyday?

It is healthful to have a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables as part of healthy dietary patterns daily.

A healthy diet supports healthy immune functions and helps lower the risk of developing some chronic diseases.

Generally, the recommended daily vegetable intake, including cabbage, is based on many variables, such as age, sex, and physical activity level.

For adults, the vegetable intake should be about 2–3 cups equivalent per day. And getting this equivalent amount of cabbage into your body is pretty simple because it can be eaten in different ways, such as sautéing, roasting, cooking, or eating raw, among other ways

Eating only cabbage for a week

Eating only cabbage for a week might give you only some nutrients your body requires to function correctly.

Despite being a healthy vegetable when eaten in moderation, cabbage lacks a proper ratio of vital nutrients like carbohydrates, healthy fat, protein, and vitamins.

Therefore, eating cabbage solely for a week might lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients, which could result in health issues.

Eating cabbage for a week could also result in digestive problems and a lack of interest in your nutrition.

What happens if you eat old cabbage everyday?

An old cabbage most likely goes rotten. Eating rotting cabbage or food, in general, could result in health challenges.

As cabbage ages, it may be contaminated with bacteria like Salmonella, affecting its flavor and texture.

Consuming old cabbage may be unsafe and might even make you sick.

A rotting or ammonia-like smell, discoloration, and the presence of mold could be some of the signs that your old cabbage is not fit for consumption.

Therefore, avoiding eating cabbage that has been kept for a long time or shows clear signs of deterioration is advisable.

Is it good to eat cabbage at night everyday?

Cabbage, like other cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli, is a nutrient-dense veggie that significantly supports our health but is probably not the best food to eat before sleep.

Cabbage most likely interferes with your sound sleep when you eat it close to bedtime because its fiber content takes time to digest.

When the fiber is still digesting while you are trying to fall asleep, it could lead to stomach discomfort.

Also, some people may experience bloating and gas after consuming cabbage; in such cases, it may be best to avoid eating cabbage at night when about to go to sleep to prevent discomfort.

Benefits of eating cabbage at night

Eating cabbage at night might offer some benefits if it is eaten in small quantities and not close to the time you want to go to bed.

Some of the benefits of eating cabbage at night could be:

1. Cabbage is low in calories. Eating cabbage could be a good option for those looking to maintain a healthy weight.

2. Cabbage is good for digestion. The cabbage fiber content helps promote regular bowel movements and prevent constipation, which could lead to better digestion and sleep.

3. Cabbage may help to reduce stress. Cabbage delivers a good amount of vitamin C, which may help to reduce stress by increasing the production of stress-fighting hormones. 

Best time to eat cabbage

There is no specific perfect time to eat cabbage, as it can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet at any time.

The consumption of cabbage by an individual depends largely on dietary needs, personal preference, and overall health status.

However, depending on your goals and health issues, you may find cabbage helpful to incorporate into your meals at a particular time.

For instance, you might want to include cabbage in your lunch or dinner if you plan to lose weight because it’s low in calories and might make you feel full and satisfied.

And if you aim to improve your digestion, in that case, you should incorporate cabbage into your dinner because its high fiber content will help promote regular bowel movements and thus prevent constipation.


Eating cabbage every day can be a healthy dietary habit for many people because of its low-calorie, high-fiber, and some vitamins content.

Cabbage is also rich in antioxidants, which can help protect the body against harmful molecules.

It is worth nothing to remember that everyone has different nutritional needs, thus no single diet can give your body all it requires for excellent health.