Is kale juice good for you

Is Kale Juice Good For You? Secrets Exposed!

I consume kale frequently. Mango, avocado, and massaged kale salads are my favorites! My family and I frequently enjoy steaming greens with sautéed mushrooms. What about juicing it? Is kale juice good for you?

Yes, kale juice is a nutritious leafy green drink you can consume regularly. It’s a miraculous leafy green vegetable that gained popularity only recently.

Nowadays, kale is being used in a wide variety of dishes, including salads, chips, and juice.

It’s vital to remember that you can add kale to any fruit bowl, smoothie, or raw juice drink to turn it green and reap all of its health advantages.

Like cauliflower, kale is a superfood you should be eating. Here are some of the incredible reasons why kale juice is good for you.

Also read: What is cabbage juice good for?

Benefits of kale juice:

1. Kale juice may help to strengthen the immune system.

Out of all the healthy dark leafy vegetables you can eat, such as spinach, chard, cabbage, and collard greens, kale is exceedingly nutritious of them all. In terms of antioxidants, kale is a queen.

Hardly can you compare any vegetable juice to kale juice in terms of nutritional powerhouses.

Scientists have found that kale is a vegetable that is high in vitamins A, C, and K, in addition to being a potent antioxidant. It has more vitamin C than an orange and 3.5 times the amount of vitamin C found in spinach.

Kale also contains a number of minerals, including calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium, and copper. Taking kale juice is similar to taking an extremely potent multivitamin.

2. Kale juice may help support your heart.

Numerous nutrients present in kale juice have the potential to guard against heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, being rich in chlorophyll, kale juice promotes improved blood circulation throughout the body.

It has even been noted that kale juice consumption on a daily basis helps raise good cholesterol and decrease bad cholesterol.

The possible heart health benefits of kale may be attributed in part to the potassium found in kale juice. A cup of cooked kale delivers 3.6% of the daily potassium requirements for an adult.

According to the American Heart Foundation, eating less sodium or added salt and more potassium can lower your possibility of developing high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

review also found a relationship between an increased intake of fiber and a reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (sometimes called ‘bad’ cholesterol), and diastolic blood pressure.

Additionally, findings published in the Biomedical and Environmental Sciences indicate that adult males with high cholesterol who drink kale juice for about three months have improved coronary heart disease risk factors.

Researchers studied 32 men who had hypercholesterolemia (> 200 mg/dL) in order to illustrate this. For 12 weeks, they were given 150 mL of kale juice daily.

Following this time frame, the researchers found that supplementing with kale juice had improved the antioxidant systems and blood lipid profiles of hypercholesterolemic males, thereby lowering the risk factors for coronary heart disease.

3. Kale juice supports healthy, glowing skin, hair, and nails

The antioxidants in kale juice help prevent skin damage from free radicals, which in turn slows down the aging process. Additionally, vitamin A supports strong, healthy nails, hair, and skin.

Furthermore, the fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 promote hair flexibility, development, and the nourishment of the scalp.

Beta-carotene, a pigment that the body processes into vitamin A when needed, is found in kale.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene are vital for the development and upkeep of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair.

Kale is also high in vitamin C, which supports the formation of collagen. Collagen is a proteinous substance that plays a crucial role in the structural support of skin, hair, and bones.

A cup of cooked kale delivers at least 19% and 23% of a person’s daily requirement for vitamins A and C, respectively.

4. Kale juice may help support your bones.

Individuals with inadequate intake of certain nutrients are often more vulnerable to bone-related issues such as fractures. Calcium and vitamin K, which are found in kale juice, are essential for preserving bone density.

By consuming kale juice, you can lower your risk of osteoporosis as you age and maintain the health of your teeth and bones.

5. Kale juice enhances your eye’s health.

Large concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin found in kale juice can help shield your retina from ultraviolet light damage and enhance your vision.

Since kale juice contains high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin, it helps improve eye health. One of the strongest antioxidant combinations associated with improved eye health is lutein and zeaxanthin.

Furthermore, specialists agree that zeaxanthin and lutein support eye health by lowering the risk of age-associated macular degeneration.

More so, kale has a high vitamin C content. A lower risk of glaucoma may be linked to a higher intake of some fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids and vitamins A and C.

Additionally important for eye health are zinc, beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and omega-3 fatty acids. Kale has every one of these nutrients.

6. Kale juice can benefit you in your weight loss journey.

Dieters will like the fact that kale juice is quite low in calories. You may reap the health advantages of kale without worrying about calories.

One of the fundamentals of losing weight is to consume much fewer calories than your body burns. Most experts recommend eating low-calorie items to achieve and sustain this calorie deficit.

Kale and other brassica vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, and spinach, are examples of low-calorie foods.  

A single cup of raw kale (21g) contains only 7 calories, 0.9 g of carbs, 0.86 g of fiber, and 0.6 g of protein.

Kale juice can assist you in your weight loss program because it is low in calories and rich in water content.

It should be noted, however, that consuming a lot of this juice does not speed up weight reduction. Instead, you can get the opposite consequence. 

Other calorie-burning activities can always be tried to assist you in burning more calories than you ingest.

These activities include exercising, increasing physical activity, and consuming plenty of water. Talk to your healthcare professional for further information and assistance in developing your weight loss plan.

7. Kale juice provides powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Kale’s anthocyanin helps to lower inflammation while also strengthening the immune system.

This vegetable actively reduces inflammation caused by chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and pain

Because of its high levels of anti-inflammatory qualities and monounsaturated fatty acids, kale helps relieve pain and promote comfort. At the same time, you go about your everyday activities.

8. Kale maintains a healthy function of the bodily systems and organs.

Kale juice can help your organs be healthy in a variety of ways. In addition to preventing inflammation, kale juice contains phytosterols known for improving heart health and fighting against heart disease.

Phytosterol is structurally related to cholesterol. Phytosterols reduce cholesterol absorption and lower the plasma LDL, thus lowering the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and improving heart health.

Also, a study suggested that phytosterol supplementation can help improve kidney function, so kale can support your kidney health.

In a similar development, polyunsaturated fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids found in kale help support heart and brain health.

In addition, kale contains vitamin K, lutein, nitrate, beta-carotene, and kaempferol, all of which are beneficial to brain function.

Researchers found that those who consumed roughly 1.3 servings of leafy green vegetables per day, high in these nutrients, had the cognitive functioning of people approximately eleven years younger than those who ate little or no leafy greens. This study followed 960 seniors for nearly five years.

9. Kale may help fight cancer.

Vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts contain a chemical called glucosinolates, sulfur-containing compounds that, when cooked, chopped, or chewed, are broken down into isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol.

Laboratory studies have demonstrated the ability of isothiocyanates and indole-3-carbinol to suppress inflammatory processes, prevent tumor cells from growing and spreading, and safeguard healthy cells.

10. Kale juice may help alleviate the suffering of diabetic patients.

Kale contains good amounts of fiber and antioxidants. According to the American Diabetes Association, consuming foods high in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants may help prevent diseases and improve your health.

study revealed that consuming foods high in dietary fiber appears to support a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes and may also help lower blood glucose levels.

In another development, a study shows that high blood sugar levels can promote the production of free radicals.

However, the study further notes that antioxidants such as alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin C, which are high in kale, play a role in reducing diabetic complications. So, consuming kale juice may help support people with diabetes.

11. Kale may help to strengthen bones.

Phosphorus and calcium are essential for the development of healthy bones. Increased dietary vitamin K consumption may reduce the incidence of fractures.

According to some research, a high vitamin K intake may help lower the risk of bone fractures.

A cup of cooked kale supplies approximately five times the daily need of vitamin K for an adult, 15–18% of calcium, and 7% of phosphorus.

Does juicing kale remove nutrients?

Have you ever tried juicing your fruits or vegetables? Juicing vegetables is a great way to get enough of them in your body.

Does juicing kale remove nutrients? And generally, do vegetables lose nutrients when juiced?

Have you ever attempted to juice your veggies or fruits? Vegetable juice is a fantastic way to ensure your body gets enough of them. However, do veggies lose nutrients in the juice?

According to studies, putting your preferred fruits and veggies in a juicing machine causes you to lose nutrients.

Vitamins, minerals, and other plant nutrients can be found in concentrated forms in fruits and vegetable juices.

However, some of the healthy fiber that makes you feel full is lost when you juice fruits and veggies. That’s because juice extractors take out the fiber-rich pulp and skins from the juice.

While juicing is a great idea, you still need to replenish your diet with those pulp fibers. Take that pulp and use it in your smoothies or soups.

It’s best to drink the juice straight away if you already juiced it because antioxidants and enzymes will decrease over time.

Enzymes, such as bromelain in pineapple, aid with digestion, while antioxidants help to control inflammation.

When juicing and intending to drink later, it’s recommended to store the juice in an airtight glass container, refrigerate it, and use it within a day.

Is it good to drink kale juice every day?

Without question, kale is a very nutrient-dense food, and most people don’t see anything wrong with eating it on a daily basis. This indicates that the meal is nutritious and a component of a balanced diet.

Even so, since you are consuming less of the vegetable’s nutrients overall, it is still recommended that you drink kale juice moderately.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020–2025 advise people to consume several kinds of vegetables as part of a balanced diet, with at least 1.5 cups of leafy green vegetables per week.

But as part of a balanced diet, doctors advise including other veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, and cauliflower into your diet rather than just focusing on kale juice.

When to drink kale juice

To help me start my metabolism healthily, I like to drink kale juice in the morning. Your body will reward you for including kale juice with any meal.

To help with your wellness and health objectives, sip it frequently. You will want to take advantage of this delicious, nutritious green juice.

How do you juice kale?

Kale is juiced by passing it through a juicer in tiny bits. Nevertheless, using a mechanical juicer as opposed to a manual hand juicer makes juicing kale considerably simpler.

You can experiment to find the recipe that best suits your taste; some versions call for extra carrot or cucumber juice.

For those who are interested, my preferred juicer is the Breville Multi-Speed Juice Fountain. It is, in my opinion, the most economical way to get the maximum amount of juice from leafy greens.

A kale juice recipe for your taste.


SCALE 1x2x3x

  • Five large, fresh kale leaves
  • 1–2 large cucumbers
  • One lemon (peeled)
  • One apple
  • 1-inch knob of ginger (peeled)
  • 1–2 large ribs, celery


  • Wash and prepare all produce. Use organic produce whenever possible.
  • Push through a juicer.
  • Serve immediately over ice.

The healthiest thing to put in your body might be a crisp, refreshing spin on lemonade made with kale juice.

Since I’ve been drinking it every day for the past few weeks, I can clearly see improvements in my energy, mood, and skin. 

Thanks to the lemon and apple juice, this kale juice recipe is not only highly nutrient-dense and hydrating, but it also tastes fantastic.

A nutritional tip:

Since citrus peels are quite concentrated in essential oils, always peel them before putting them through an electric juicer.

The juicer concentrated them into the juice, which may disturb or induce excruciating stomach aches. Skin the citrus or, if you want, squeeze the juice in last, discarding the skin.

Kale juice: side effects.

Unfortunately, not everyone enjoys drinking kale juice; this is due to a few of its shortcomings, which are as follows:

Medication Interaction

Kale juice has a high amount of vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting. Kale juice produces a number of proteins needed for bone growth and blood clotting.

Nevertheless, this vitamin interacts with blood thinners, such as warfarin (Coumadin), and anticoagulants.

The high profile of vitamin K in kale may hinder blood thinners and reduce their efficacy

Little Fiber Content

Even though kale is renowned for having a high fiber content, after it is juiced, you receive very little of it. That being said, if you’re seeking high-fiber drinks, find another option.

Kidney-related disease

Consuming too many foods with high potassium content can be dangerous to people whose kidneys are not fully functional.

If the kidneys cannot remove excess potassium from the blood, eating potassium-rich vegetables like kale could be fatal.

Goiter Risk

Because kale juice contains goitrogen, consuming it can also raise the chance of developing goiter.

According to health professionals, cruciferous vegetables like kale have goitrogens, which are organic compounds that can prevent iodine from reaching your thyroid gland.

If you are deficient in iodine, goitrogens can disrupt the metabolism of iodine, which can lead to goiter.

However, iodine deficiency is uncommon due to the commercially available iodide table salt.

In light of this, if you have any of these medical issues, consult your doctor before taking kale juice.

Also, a simple solution like cooking and washing cruciferous vegetables can help reduce the goitrogenic effects of these foods.

Adding a wide variety of vegetables each week other than cruciferous will also help to prevent you from eating an excess amount of goitrogens.


Kale juice is incredibly nourishing. It is rich in vital carotenoids, antioxidants, and minerals.

Kale juice improves the health of your eyes, hair, skin, bones, digestive system, and general well-being.

It also lowers coronary heart disease risk factors, increases immunity, and encourages weight loss.

While you might be eating fewer fruits and veggies than you could otherwise, juicing is an excellent way to increase your intake of these foods. When you mix fruits and vegetables, you get even more nutrients.

However, consuming too much kale juice can cause problems with certain drugs and raise your risk of getting a goiter.

So, before you make any dietary changes, please always get your doctor’s approval.