Can pregnant women eat kale?

Can Pregnant Women Eat Kale?

Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life. Eating healthy is important not just for the mother’s health but also that of the developing baby in her womb. Leafy greens are an essential part of any pregnancy food. But can pregnant women eat kale?

Yes, kale is safe for pregnant women to eat. Kale is a nutrient-dense vegetable packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals like calcium.

You can enjoy the benefits of this dark leafy vegetable during pregnancy by eating it in several ways.

The nutritional needs of the body during pregnancy increase. Hence, eating kale during pregnancy is an excellent option for expectant mothers, as the green leafy vegetable has many nutrients suitable for your growing baby.

Read this article to find out more about the nutritional benefits of kale during pregnancy.

Related: Can You Eat Brussel Sprouts When Pregnant

Is kale good for pregnant women to eat?

Yes, kale is good for pregnant women to eat. Kale is a nutrient-dense leafy green vegetable fully loaded with fiber, iron, calcium, and vitamins A, C, and K.

Green veggies like kale, watercress, spinach, and lettuce are essential during pregnancy. So, kale is not only pleasing but also safe during pregnancy.

Although, in terms of calories, a cup of cooked kale contains only 36 calories, it is highly nutritious, providing 3 grams of fiber.

In addition, 100 grams of raw kale contains high amounts of vitamins A and C.

These two vitamins are vital to maintaining a robust immune system, thus helping pregnant women combat colds.

In addition, pregnant women who consume this amount of kale get more than their daily needs of vitamin K; this nutrient helps maintain healthy blood vessels and the normal flow of blood to the uterine area to nourish the baby.

Kale contains alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that helps support healthy hearts and combat arthritis, autoimmune disorders, and asthma.

Kale contains a good amount of folate (folic acid). It is suggested that women of reproductive age should increase their intake of folate-rich foods, as they are in high demand during pregnancy.

Therefore, eating kale regularly, even before pregnancy, will help maintain not only your folate bodily need during the first trimester but throughout the pregnancy.

Also, the fiber in kale can make it a perfect choice to alleviate your troubled tummy due to constipation during pregnancy.

Eating more kale in your diet can increase your daily fiber intake and relieve you of the trouble.

However, fiber-rich foods should be consumed moderately during pregnancy because they could lead to digestive issues like bloating.

Related: Is kale good for breastfeeding?

Kale during pregnancy’s first trimester 

Fresh, unprocessed vegetables contain the most nutrients. Is it possible for pregnant women to have fresh kale? Yes, you can; moreover, its use is relevant throughout childbirth.

During the first trimester, kale and other cruciferous vegetables are beneficial because of their folate.

Folate, also called folic acid, participates in the formation of the fetal neural tube and prevents the development of malformations of the nervous system.

The need of a pregnant woman for iron and calcium increases several times; all types of cruciferous vegetables contain them.

Kale, like Brussels sprouts, is rich in potassium. Potassium removes excess fluid from the body and helps relieve edema. It is a valuable but low-calorie veggie, so it allows you to maintain your weight during pregnancy.

Kale and other vegetables are important not only for pregnant women during the first trimester but throughout the pregnancy and beyond.

From the 25th week, when the pregnancy enters the third stage, the size of the fetus increases rapidly.

Due to this, the pressure on the internal organs of the mother becomes more intense. Such processes sometimes cause constipation, which is undesirable for a pregnant woman.

So, consuming foods rich in dietary fiber, such as kale, could help relieve pregnant women’s constipation.

Benefits of Kale during pregnancy   

Why are kale and other leafy vegetables recommended for eating while pregnant? It is because the benefits are numerous.

Kale is particularly beneficial to pregnant moms and growing babies. According to the USDA, a cup of kale supplies you with a surplus dose of vitamins A and C, which you need daily.

Here are the nutritional benefits of kale while pregnant:

Calcium: Kale is rich in calcium. The calcium in kale is higher than in dairy products, and the body absorbs it better.

Calcium helps to support the development of stronger bones in your growing baby; it also supports the development of the nerves, muscles, and heart of the fetus.

Calcium is usually given to pregnant women as a supplement, so adding kale to your diet would be a bonus.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for supporting the immune system. Eating foods rich in vitamin A, like kale, will not only help to build a more robust immune system in the mother but also in the baby.

Vitamin C: Kale is excellently rich in vitamin C. 100 grams of kale contains about 93mg of vitamin C, which is more than the recommended daily allowance for pregnant women.

Therefore, eating vegetables rich in vitamin C, like kale, will help to nourish and protect the growing baby while giving you added strength and vitality.

Plus, vitamin C may also help to lower the risk of pregnant mothers developing coughs and colds.

Antioxidant: Kale is rich in antioxidants, and it possesses good anti-inflammatory properties. So kale helps to fight diseases of the heart, arthritis, and autoimmune disorders that could result from inflammation.

Magnesium: Magnesium helps to support metabolism. Therefore, if you feel tired while pregnant, eating kale can be helpful because it contains a good dose of magnesium.

Tips for selecting fresh and healthy kale during pregnancy

Look for smaller-leaved kale; they are tender and have a mild flavor, which will be a good choice for making salad.

Choose kale that is crisp, moist, and unwilted, and steer clear of any with tiny holes in it because that indicates insect damage. Also, do not choose kale with yellow or brown leaves, as this suggests it is already damaged.

When you eat kale in the correct quantity, it will help support your health and that of your unborn baby.

Get creative with kale in the kitchen, have fun with many recipes, and make a choice that goes well with you.

Consuming kale when you are pregnant has a lot of nutritional benefits, which can be exceedingly good for you and your developing baby.

Some delicious kale recipes during pregnancy

Kale salad: Add kale to your regular salad and up your dish on the health scale.

Replace lettuce or add both greens to your salad plate. Just top it with some lemon vinaigrette, and you’re good to go!

Kale in pasta: Pasta and kale go together; they complement each other well. Add parmesan cheese and some lemon; this will bring out the flavor and encourage you to want to eat more kale.

Make kale into chips: engage more of your kale by making chips to munch on whenever you wish to snack. Kale chips are crispy and healthy, and you will eat more than one.

Make kale into soup: Add a few kale leaves to the broth or use them as a topper. Either way, your soup will become super rich and healthy by adding some kale to it.

Kale smoothie for pregnancy

The kale smoothie is another good way to enjoy kale during pregnancy. Kale smoothies for pregnancy contain honey in place of regular sugar.

A delicious kale smoothie recipe:

Add half a dozen frozen bananas or avocados if bananas are not your favorite.

To this, add some strawberries or cherries. You can add some blueberries, too.

One bunch or handful of kale leaves that have been washed and dried

1/3 cup of yogurt or almond milk and a small spoon of flax seeds should be added.

You can make it smoother by adding a spoonful of peanut butter and some water. You can add some lime juice.

They blend everything well and serve mild chill. Here you are; this delicious kale will give you a good proportion of daily nutrients.

Possible downsides of eating kale during pregnancy

Almost all the foods we eat have side effects. When it comes to pregnant women, exercise more caution to maintain good health and that of the growing baby.

Here are some side effects of kale you should be aware of as a pregnant mother:

1. Dry mouth and dehydration: Kale can be a diuretic; that is, it has the potential to make you urinate more, thus helping you to flush out toxins.

However, this can deprive your body of enough water, resulting in a dry mouth and dehydration.

2. Flatulence and bloating: Kale has a high content of fiber and indigestible sugar (raffinose).

When you eat foods that contain high fiber and raffinose, most of them get to the large intestine, where the microbes act on them and release methane and carbon dioxide, which can lead to bloating and intestinal gas, thus resulting in discomfort.


Kale is a nutrient-rich food and one of the vegetables that can support you throughout your pregnancy journey.

With just a bit of technique, you can make kale into various tasty forms, such as juicing, raw, or in salads and smoothies, to help boost your health and help your growing baby.

Nutrients like folate, vitamin K, and antioxidants make kale an excellent choice during pregnancy.

Some frequently asked questions

Q1. How much kale can women who are pregnant eat?

Actually, you can eat kale about twice or three times a week while you’re pregnant because it’s good for you. You can put a handful of kale in your juice or salad.

It is, however, usually suggested that you eat a range of fruits and vegetables to make sure you are getting all the nutrients you need. Keep in mind that balance is key with this food as well. 

Q2. Is raw kale safe during pregnancy?

YES! Eating raw kale is safe while pregnant, but exercise the necessary precautions.

Raw or uncooked kale or vegetables generally can easily harbor bacteria; this could contaminate the vegetable, thus causing health challenges.

Therefore, wash thoroughly to eliminate or minimize the chance of falling sick due to pathogens it might have harbored.

Q3. Is it safe to have a kale smoothie during pregnancy?

Sure! It is safe. Consuming kale in any form is healthy while pregnant. Consider substituting your daily dose of sugar with honey for added health benefits.

Q4. Can kale cause miscarriage?

There has not been scientific evidence to suggest that eating kale when pregnant can cause miscarriage. However, it is always important to eat a balanced diet and not overconsume any single food during pregnancy.