What is cabbage water good for?

What Is Cabbage Water Good For?

Eating this vegetable is a prevalent practice, but drinking it’s water is unusual. So, finding out what cabbage water is good for cannot be out of place.

Cabbage water (the water cabbage has been cooked in) contains many vital vitamins and minerals for your health. It may help heal stomach ulcers and support the digestive system.

Although water from this cruciferous vegetable tastes unpleasant, it does excellent work on your body. Here are some of the reasons cabbage water is good for you:

Benefits of drinking cabbage water

Cabbage water contains a compound called vitamin U, which may help strengthen the stomach’s inner layer and lessen the severity of stomach ulcers.

Cabbage water contains the amino acid glutamine, which promotes healthy digestion in your body.

The vitamin C content of cabbage may make it effective in detoxifying the liver against alcohol and lessening the hangover effect.

Drinking cabbage water contains many water-soluble vitamins and may help replace the water-soluble vitamins lost when excess alcohol is consumed.

Drinking cabbage water is good for your skin because of vitamin E. It could make the skin look brighter.

Drinking cabbage water may help boost body immunity, fight pathogens, and limit disease severity.

Cabbage contains a good amount of calcium and magnesium, minerals that help strengthen the bones.

Raw cabbage is rich in a sulfur-containing compound, sulforaphane, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, drinking cabbage water may lead to consuming more of this health-important compound, sulforaphane.

How to make cabbage water

Ingredients: cabbage, water, and sea salt.

Directions for preparation:

  • Fill half of the glass jar with shredded cabbage.
  • Add water until the jar is full.
  • Add a teaspoon of seawater, and then cover the container.
  • Allow it to set for the entire day or overnight.
  • Strain the water into a glass and season with lemon juice and salt to taste.
  • Stir it thoroughly, then sip on your cabbage water.

Is boiled cabbage water good for you?

Yes, boiled cabbage water is good for you; it has health benefits.

You can decide to boil the cabbage in water or strain it to get your boiled cabbage water if you prefer it to the cabbage water from the raw cabbage.

However, it is more beneficial to drink raw cabbage water than boiled cabbage water.

A study showed that cooking cabbage reduced the effectiveness of the enzyme myrosinase, which has been linked to the cancer-preventive effects of brassica vegetables.

In another development, cooking broccoli reduces the availability of its sulforaphane content.

Therefore, if you prefer cooked cabbage to raw cabbage, cook it for short periods of time to retain the most nutrients.

Why do you soak cabbage in salt water?

Salting cabbage in water makes the raw vegetable slightly more tender and substantially more flavorful while maintaining its unique crunch.

Any vegetable with a high water content will typically lose water when salt is added through osmosis, which happens naturally.

Cabbage salting performs wonders; the shredded cabbage leaves become more tender, enhancing the taste.

How long do you soak cabbage in salt water?

Salt in your cabbage will remove water from it and maintain its crunchiness.

Let your salted cabbage sit for one to two hours, then rinse it thoroughly with water to remove the salt.

Drain and use paper towels to dry it while being lightly squeezed to let the water out. As the water is drained, repeat with additional paper towels.

Cabbage is more pliable and crisp after being salted in this way, making it easier to chew and lessening its bitter taste.

Who should not drink cabbage water?

Cabbage contains goitrogens, which can disrupt the normal function of your thyroid gland.

People with thyroid issues may have challenges when they drink cabbage water. Therefore, eating cabbage in small amounts or avoiding it altogether is advisable.

Can you drink cabbage water?

Yes, drinking cabbage water can be of great support for your health. Cabbage is one of the most nutritious cruciferous vegetables.

Consuming cabbage water can improve your health because this green leafy vegetable contains antioxidants and compounds that promote gut health.

Drinking cabbage water may help you fight infections because of its vitamin C content.

Eating vitamin C-rich foods like cabbage helps maintain healthy gums and strong bone formation.

However, when drinking water from this vegetable, do that in moderation because excess may adversely affect your thyroid gland.

Can I drink cabbage water for weight loss?

Yes, drinking cabbage water can help you lose weight. Cabbage is a low-calorie vegetable that can help you lose weight in several ways.

Drinking cabbage water is considered one of the best ways to lose weight.

Cabbage is a good source of essential nutrients the body needs and does not contain any fat or high calories, thus helping in weight loss.

Cabbage is high in fiber; drinking its water can fill you up and reduce your overall calorie intake.

It is a low-calorie vegetable with high water content; drinking cabbage water may be a good choice for your weight loss plan.

Cabbage is also a significant source of antioxidants, which can help protect you against oxidative stress and promote healthy weight management.

Is drinking cabbage water good for your skin?

Cabbage is a common household vegetable with great health benefits when consumed in moderation. But is drinking cabbage water good for your skin? Let’s get the answer right away!

Drinking water from vegetables is considered excellent for the skin. The phytochemicals in cabbage have a protective effect on the skin against ultraviolet radiation.

Does boiled cabbage water make you sleepy?

Consuming either boiled or raw vegetable water may help relieve insomnia, a sleep disorder that 

can make sleeping difficult or affect the quality of your sleep.

Cabbage contains calcium and magnesium. These minerals may help you combat insomnia.

The vitamin C in cabbage can help deal with stress and fatigue that could affect sleep.

Red cabbage is rich in flavonoids and other phytonutrients of health importance.

Animal studies published in the Journal of Pharmacy and BioAllied Sciences suggest that red cabbage could be a potent anti-insomnia agent because of the hypnotic effect of its flavonoids.


Drinking cabbage may offer you a lot of health benefits. It could promote healthy digestion, detoxify the liver, and help support weight loss plans.

Cooking destroys some of the nutrients in cabbage, such as vitamin C, which makes raw cabbage more nutritious.

Consuming cabbage water may help you sleep well, thus relieving you of stress and making you more productive.